Saturday, December 10, 2011

More total fiddle faddling without direction, but with a chord button I like the sound of

It's like a practice exercise

(in interview clothes)

Who needs sheet music / knowledge...

Trying to learn to play by just making up a kind of song. Letting my insides whine (badly).
i stopped playing because i couldn't find any free sheet music on the web. i am going to buy myself a book tomorrow.
My accordion-playing friend told me something deep a few days ago....While playing in his band, he doesn't press the lefthand buttons, just the keyboard. I was surprised. Then he explained that the buttons on the left are either bassnotes or chords. And, in his band, there's a guitarist playing the chords and a bassist playing bass notes, so he doesn't have to press those buttons. This has helped me understand the accordion.

Week 2: Trying to learn to hear when buttons sound nice together

DAY 8: Intentionally freaking out buaaaaaaa

DAY 6: Same song, two hands

DAY 5: It's hard using two hands